Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s Annual General Meeting will take place over Zoom on Monday, June 28, 2021. Join us at 6pm to find out about VANS’ accomplishments this year, followed by a fun artist-facilitated project you can create with us at home through our new 15 minute Art Recess initiative!
Please register by June 25 to get your Zoom link here:
After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email containing the link you can use to join the meeting. All are welcome at the AGM but remember that only VANS members in good standing can vote and make or second motions. For ease of procedure via Zoom, only votes in opposition to motions, and self nominations, will be recorded in the chat. You can download Zoom in advance for free and you will need a good internet connection.
Deadline to register for AGM: June 25
Documents to review:
- 2021 AGM Agenda
- 2020 AGM Minutes
- 2020-21 Financial Statements
- 2021-22 Budget
- Annual Report
- List of Returning Directors: Josephine Clarke, Julian Covey, Charles Doucette, Frankie Macaulay, and Jenny Yujia Shi.

After the AGM, join us for an Art Recess make-at-home art activity, led by artist Lou Sheppard.
Bird song workshop description
If you go outside and listen you likely will hear a bird singing. Bird song is all around us, and it makes up part of our rich environmental soundscape – these small complex melodies score much of our lives.
It has been estimated that our world has lost 1 in 4 birds since 1970. And likely, in the next few years we will lose even more. What might a future without bird song sound like? How can we remember these complex songs? Lou Sheppard will guide a drawing activity to capture and notate bird songs as graphic scores. We will play with the rhythm, texture and dimension of sound to consider what sound might look like, and how we might evoke the experience of hearing bird song through lines and shapes. The scores can exist as a work on their own, or be read and played to remember what bird song sounds like.
About the artist
Lou Sheppard is a Canadian artist working in interdisciplinary audio, performance and installation based practice. He has exhibited work both in Canada and internationally, and has participated in residencies throughout Canada, in Europe and in the US. Sheppard received the Emerging Atlantic Artist Award in 2017 and has been long listed for the Sobey Art Award in 2018, 2020 and 2021. Sheppard’s artistic research reflects his background in critical theory and social and environmental activism. His work is often collaborative and engages with communities, citizen performers, musicians and performing artists. Sheppard lives on the traditional and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq, in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia.