We are thrilled to be partnering with two organizations this spring that are each hubs in their own neighbourhoods helping people to connect with and through art. VANS in Residence provides a stipend to support the artist, a studio space, as well as support from VANS and the community partner to help to make the…
VANS will be offering online and in-person workshops for our Spring Workshop Series in March, April and May. We’d love to get your feedback about which professional development workshops we should offer, where and when. Let us know what you would like to see VANS offer by completing the Spring 2024 Workshop Survey, here: https://forms.gle/VqdDt7xogUVhjorEA. Then we would really appreciate…
If you want to renew your VANS membership for 2024 but find the membership fee out of reach right now, consider applying for a Membership Bursary. Membership Bursaries provide artists in need of financial support with a VANS membership (which runs from January 1 – December 31). There’s no deadline to apply and applications are confidential.…
PAINTS (Professional Artists In The Schools) helps schools in Nova Scotia bring professional visual artists into their classrooms. Projects can range from 3 to 12 hours, and can involve artists working in every imaginable discipline. PAINTS projects make links between the professional artists’ own work and the workshops that they lead with the students. We’re…
The VANS office, along with the rest of the Cultural Federations, will be closed for the holidays December 19 – January 2. Our last day in the office will be Monday, December 18 (so get your membership renewals in before then) and our first day back will be Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Happy holidays from…
A subscription to Visual Arts News makes the perfect gift for the art lover in your life. Issues will be mailed twice a year, Spring and Fall, to the gift recipient, as well as access to additional online content throughout the year for just $22 (or $36 for a two-year subscription). A letter will be…
ART RECESS. A break, a change, time to play, to have fun – just like regular recess! You can even have a snack too. ART RECESS is a collection of short, accessible workshops that can be delivered online at times that work for teachers in the school year, or for parents and caregivers anytime. VANS…
As the end of the year approaches, remember to renew your VANS membership before it expires on December 31! If you selected an automatically renewing membership when you joined or renewed last time, then it will automatically charge your 2024 membership fees on December 1, 2023. No need to set a reminder – the website will automatically…
The team at Visual Arts News is eager to hear from writers, artists and critics to expand and deepen conversations inspired by the artistic vision of emerging and established artists who are pushing the boundaries of art and culture in the Atlantic region. For this open call, we are seeking pitches for features, profiles and…
Visual Arts Nova Scotia and Visual Arts News, in partnership with the Native American Art Studies Association and Nocturne: Art at Night Festival, present an in-person keynote panel discussion: Activating Art in Mi’kma’ki on Thursday, October 12, from 6 – 8 pm. Moderating the discussion is Tiffany Morris, an L’nu’skw (Mi’kmaw) artist and writer from…
Visual Arts Nova Scotia is offering an Equity Subsidy to support PAINTS (Professional Artists In The Schools) workshops in schools serving significant populations of BIPOC students. The PAINTS Equity Subsidy will support qualifying schools by fully funding projects including the artist fee, materials and any travel costs. Workshops are usually 3 – 4 hours in length for up…
Visual Arts Nova Scotia is pleased to officially announce the participants of this year’s Mentorship Program. After receiving some great applications, the program will be supporting four dedicated emerging artists in Nova Scotia. Barbara Brown Conrod, Kordeena Clayton, Kristi Farrier, and Pam Juarez and have been individually paired with established artists and mentors Susan Tooke,…
Our Fall Workshop Series is back with some familiar favourites like Grant Writing (in person) with Becka Barker, Pricing Your Work with Stacey Cornelius, Networking & Talking About Your Work (in person) with Sarah Maloney, and Documenting Your Work with Steve Farmer. We have some great new workshops this fall too, like Crafting Your Artistic…
We’re seeking expressions of interest from VANS member artists to support our new annual fundraising initiative – limited edition tote bags and sketchbooks! Artists will receive 15% of gross sales in accordance with the CARFAC fee schedule – estimated at $300-$500. A new artist and design will be selected coinciding with our annual membership promotion…
YOUR MEMBERSHIP CAN RENEW AUTOMATICALLY Members said that the main reason they don’t renew their membership is because it slipped their mind. With an auto-renewing membership, you will be charged the initial fee for the full year ahead, and your membership will renew automatically each year, on December 1 – no need to set a…
Visual Arts Nova Scotia is pleased to announce their new Executive Director: Therese Cruz! After a lengthy search by Placemaking 4G, the VANS Board of Directors has hired Therese, who will start as the ED in July. Therese is a community engager, artist and a mother. An immigrant from the Philippines, she moved to Toronto,…
VANS will be offering online and in-person workshops for our Fall Workshop Series in October and November. We’d love to get your feedback about which professional development workshops we should offer and when. Let us know what you would like to see VANS offer by completing the Fall 2023 Workshop Survey, here: https://forms.gle/sKjAQXaJhCYiRWjk9. Then we would really appreciate it if you’d share…
Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s 2022-23 Mentorship Program Exhibition The Craig Gallery, June 28 – July 30, 2023 Opening: Wednesday, June 28, 2023, from 6 – 8 pm Emerging Artist Talk (in-person): Saturday, July 15, 2 pm Highlighting the talents of emerging artists AGLENNCO, Sonia Chow, Gabrielle Theano, and Julie Rosvall, In Combination also includes work…
Visual Arts Nova Scotia, in partnership with the Annapolis Valley Regional Library, hosted VANS In Residence artist Mallory Gorman this spring (April 2023) at the Kentville Library. The time in residence was split between the artist’s own work and community engagement. Mallory Gorman is a visual artist located in Halifax, NS. Her work is inspired…
Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s Annual General Meeting will take place over Zoom on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Join us at 7 pm to find out about VANS’ accomplishments this year, review the new strategic planning and learn about the new Executive Director. Please register by June 12 to get your Zoom link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqcu-gqDIpHNBkcSUyGUwJSr0lXak2vNtp After…