Visual Arts Nova Scotia is delighted to present, in collaboration with Struts Gallery & Faucet Media Arts Centre, artist talks by emerging Nova Scotian artists: Judy Arsenault, Wes Johnston, and Christine Waugh of the VANS Mentorship Program. Please join us at the gallery, 7 Lorne St. in Sackville, New Brunswick on Saturday June 15 at…
The VANS Board of Directors is seeking nominations for new regional representatives to serve on our Board of Directors starting June 1st in La Baie Ste. Marie/Yarmouth and Darthmouth/Fall River/Sackville. Any nominees who put their name forward will stand for election by the membership at VANS Annual General Meeting on Saturday, June 1, 2013 in…
NARC MINE Visual Arts Nova Scotia Region 7 Exhibition Opening Reception June 1 4-6pm 2013 With the Carillon Singers at The Celtic Circle Whether turning their gazes to subjects outside themselves or seeing their inner gaze via a technique outside their own realm, the Artists in this show are revealing powerful turning point works. Playing…
Please join us for Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s 2013 Annual General Meeting & Opening Reception for NARC MINE Saturday, June 1st, 2013 Celtic Circle, New Glasgow, NS Learn all about VANS’ activities over the past year and our direction for the future. Join the board, staff and artists for lunch from 1:00 – 2:00pm at…
Feel free to join us for a reception at the Khyber Centre for the Arts Saturday April 20, from 6-9pm.
Emerging Cape Breton textile artist Mary MacIntosh exhibits a series of embroidered quips in the corridor gallery from May 3 – 24.
Inspiration for my work usually comes from my observation of seasonal changes in the natural environment or the effects of human intervention in the landscape.
Visual Arts Nova Scotia presents Sky and Steel, the 5th edition of VANS in the HUB at The Hub Gallery.
Teena Marie Fancey is a Nova Scotian artist working in mixed media and relief printmaking methods.
The Symposium on Art Writing will begin with a keynote lecture by Sylvie Fortin. Sessions will consist of a series of presentations by invited writers, editors, and curators, followed by a conversation between the presenters and symposium participants.
Court Rooms is a survey of drawings rendered while sitting in on a myriad of trials in Halifax and New York City from 2011-2013. They cover high and low profile cases from petty violence, larceny, military espionage, marital homicide, gang violence, subway attacks, etc.
The following is a press release issued by Leonard Preyra, the NDP Minister of Communities Culture and Heritage updating members of the cultural community on Nova Scotia’s 5 Point Plan on Arts and Culture. Let us know what you think in the comments section! “To Our Partners in Nova Scotia’s Arts and Culture Community: Nova…
CALL FOR INPUT – SPRING 2013 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP SERIES As part of our mandate, Visual Arts Nova Scotia offers professional development workshops to artists around the province. These workshops discuss interrelationships of topics across commercial and public sectors and in relation to the self-employed artist’s creative practice. Let us know what you would like…
Ron Hayes opened Art Can Gallery in Canning in 2001 and has been actively involved in the support and promotion of the arts in the Annapolis Valley, most recently as Chair of the Alliance of Kings Artists (AKA) Board of Directors. Ron completed his Masters degree in Expressive Arts Therapy in Switzerland in 1999 and…
The objects I represent in the new paintings are in direct reference to/stolen from objects found in the works of some of my favorite artists.
VANS in the Hub is a peer juried exhibition open to VANS members twice annually. The Hub Gallery is located at The Hub, a creative and innovative, work inspired office and meeting space that attracts innovative self-employed professionals, small businesses, and other professionals.
This body of work tries to capture the beauty of rain drops kissed by those first rays of sunlight.
Visual Arts News kicked off 2013 by Launching a New Website to connect you with easy-to-access art news and criticism from the Atlantic Region. We’re working hard to create a magazine that speaks to artists and art lover across borders, which is why we’re asking you for your feedback – please take some time to…
Anne Macmillan has lived in Halifax since earning a BFA in Intermedia from NSCAD University in 2009. She grew up in Wolfville, Nova Scotia with motorbikes, dairy farms and apple orchards. Anne has received grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage. She has exhibited…
Visual Arts News invites you to a launch party at the Khyber on Friday, February 1, 7 pm – 9 pm, featuring a set by DJ Swayback. We’re thrilled to be celebrating the much anticipated launch of our new website and the Spring 2013 edition of the magazine. We’re proud to continue…