
Take our Fall Workshop Survey!

With the recent heatwave it’s hard to think about the fall, but we’re starting to plan the VANS Fall Workshop Series and we’re asking for feedback from members and artists. There are so many places doing great skills-based art workshops, so we focus instead on professional development workshops in support of Nova Scotian artists’ creative…

“No Photography!” by Jesse Webber

In the current exhibition at the Corridor Gallery, artist Jesse Webber shows his unsettling photographs of mannequins and storefront displays. While they provided good practice with his new camera, taking these photographs in stores gave the artist new insight on composition and what it’s like to be asked to leave. No Photography! is in the…

Introducing the New Grad Program!

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is thrilled to announce the New Grad Program! This 14 week program is designed to help recent graduates navigate the transition from a full time student to a professional artist. During the program, all participants will be given the opportunity to take weekly professional development workshops on topics such as budgeting,…

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Visual Arts News Editor

Visual Arts News magazine is seeking an Editor. Visual Arts News is the only magazine dedicated to contemporary visual art in Atlantic Canada. Published three times a year in May, September and January, every issue includes engaging essays, profiles, reviews, and in-depth features on issues facing arts professionals. Celebrating 40 years of publishing, Visual Arts…

“The Pantry” by Ada Denil

In the current exhibition at the Corridor Gallery, artist Ada Denil shows her series, entitled The Pantry. This collection of painted works, drawings, and some small three-dimensional pieces depicts twisted and contorted figures that appear to be bound by the constraints of jars. The Pantry is on view in the Corridor Gallery July 4 –…

VANS in Residence in partnership with Lumière!

Visual Arts Nova Scotia, in partnership with Lumière Arts Festival Association, will host a 5-week Artist in Residence program in Sydney, NS. This residency provides for the artist to work a 40 hour week. Approximately 30% of the time will be dedicated to community based work, including hands-on workshops, studio visits, talks and presentations and…

VANS Announces New Executive Director

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is pleased to announce their new Executive Director: Becky Welter-Nolan.  After a lengthy search, the VANS Board of Directors has hired Becky, who will start as the ED in July. Becky Welter-Nolan is a professional artist and administrator based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. Of…

2017-18 Mentorship Exhibition at The Craig

The Craig Gallery, July 12 – 29. Opening: Wednesday, July 11, 6 – 8pm. Mentee Artist Talk: Saturday, July 14, 2pm. Highlighting the talents of emerging artists NAT chantel, Lux Gow-Habrich, Bree Hyland, and Karen Langlois, the Visual Arts Nova Scotia 2017-18 Mentorship Program Exhibition Conversations also includes work from mentors anna sprague, Kim Morgan,…

Apply for the Mentorship Program

The call for applications is out for the 2018-19 Mentorship Program! The VANS Mentorship Program is designed to support the individual artistic methods and professional ambitions of emerging artists in Nova Scotia by providing access to the skills and experience of selected mentors. Basing its structure on similar pioneer programs such as CARFAC Saskatchewan’s Visual…

“Colour Kerfuffle” by Randy Engelberg

In the exhibition, Colour Kerfuffle, artist Randy Engelberg, shows a small retrospective of her process-oriented abstract painting work from the last five years, including work from her current series. All the paintings in this collection are non-objective, hard edged, abstraction and are bursting with colour. Colour Kerfuffle is on view in the Corridor Gallery until…

VANS’ AGM is June 21

Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s Annual General Meeting is Thursday, June 21 at Wonder’neath, 2891 Isleville Street in Halifax. The short meeting will begin at 6pm and will be followed by pizza and a facilitated art making activity! We will be saying farewell to VANS’ former Executive Director Briony Carros and introducing our new Board Members…

“In Place” by Gerard McNeil

In his exhibition, In Place, Gerard McNeil explores issues of location and permanence through a series that combines abstract photographs and linocut memory maps of familiar places. These diptychs and triptychs contain hand drawn memory maps of the places and spaces of McNeil’s youth, hand drawn linocut maps, and abstracted digital photographs representing the transformation…

Register for our Spring Workshops!

This spring we are offering great workshops on topics including Grant Writing, Exhibition Prep & Installation, Photoshop Essentials, Writing Your Artist Statement & Bio, and Writing Professional Applications. These workshops, taught by professional artists, experts in their field, and educators are jam packed with information sure to inform your professional practice.  They are only $40…

Job Opportunity: Executive Director, VANS

Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) is currently accepting applications for the Executive Director of Visual Arts Nova Scotia and Publisher of Visual Arts News. Deadline: Applications must be received by May 18 at 5pm. Start date: June 4, 2018. Salary: $40,000-45,000 (starting). Vacation: starts at 3 weeks plus winter holiday closure. Benefits: Group health and…

Thanks and farewell to Briony Carros

Visual Arts Nova Scotia announces the departure of Executive Director Briony Carros on April 20, 2018. After over 16 years with the organization, it is difficult to do justice to her many contributions to VANS and the arts community. The Board of Directors and staff would like to thank Briony for her hard work, determination,…

“Matte, Satin, Gloss” by Kate Grey

Matte, Satin, Gloss is a collection of familiar household objects made by emerging ceramic artist Kate Grey. Grey’s work often examines the relationship between how we view objects, primarily household objects, and women. The objects in this exhibition,  including ceramic books with various made-up titles, are organized by their surface quality, optical lens and natural…

New Deadline for PAINTS Projects

Do you know a school that could use a PAINTS project but missed the January 30th deadline? Don’t worry, we have added a spring deadline this year so schools and teachers can apply for a PAINTS project. Tell your local school that the new PAINTS deadline is Monday, April 16th for projects that will take…

Take our Spring Workshop Survey!

Visual Arts Nova Scotia offers professional development workshops to artists across the province. Each season we program the location and topics of the workshop series based on feedback from members, artists and art organizations. What workshops would help your professional development? Let us know what you would like to see VANS offer by clicking on…

Sign up for a Peer Review Group

It’s time for another round of the Peer Application Review Groups! Visual Arts Nova Scotia is facilitating an eight week peer-review process to help current members strengthen their upcoming proposals. Artists will get and give feedback by email on applications from two peers, matched based on the type of application that is being made. In…

Remembering Susan Wood

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of artist, member and friend, Susan Wood. Susan was a long-standing member of VANS and had served on our Board of Directors since 2014. Her thoughtful input and support made an invaluable impact on the vibrancy of our organization. VANS was…