Maintaining Respectful Workplaces Workshop
The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) project, Respectful Workplaces in the Arts, addresses harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination and violence. As a part of this initiative, this workshop will ensure that artists and arts organizations across Canada have the tools, resources and training to prevent harassment of any kind, and build respectful workplaces as the norm in the cultural sector.
Maintaining Respectful Workplaces
Workshop in partnership with the
Cultural Human Resources Council
Tuesday December 10, 2019, 5:30 – 8:30pm
Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia
1113 Marginal Road, Halifax
$30.00 – space is limited, advance registration required
CHRC’s Maintaining Respectful Workplaces workshops are 3 hours in length and adapted to the audience, whether they be employers, workers, artists or a mixed group of 12 – 24 participants. For this first pilot year, a limited number of trainers’ professional fees is being generously covered by the Department of Canadian Heritage allowing us to offer this workshop at a significantly discounted rate for creatives and cultural workers. See more details here.
Link to purchase tickets:
For more info contact:
Becky Welter-Nolan, Executive Director
Visual Arts Nova Scotia
1113 Marginal Road
Halifax, NS, B3H 4P7
director@visualarts.ns.ca / 902-423-4694