VANS Seeks Board Nominations
Do you want to help shape the future of Visual Arts Nova Scotia? We’re looking for creative and engaged individuals who are looking to develop new skills in arts leadership and make an impact on cultural policy in Nova Scotia. Visual Arts Nova Scotia is seeking 1 – 4 individuals engaged with the arts in Nova Scotia to stand for election to our Board of Directors, supporting the growth and development of our organization. Board members regularly receive professional development in not-for-profit and financial oversight, and individualized training to support their leadership.
We are seeking new Board Members who wholeheartedly believe in the importance and value of VANS to the community and care passionately about our mission and objectives:
Our Mission:
Visual Arts Nova Scotia advances the visual arts through leadership, education, and communication.
Our Objectives:
OFFER programs, services and resources to individual artists and the visual arts sector
SUPPORT the activity of professional visual art practices
ADVOCATE for individual artists, the visual arts sector and the arts in general
Nova Scotian artists and art supporters who are interested in running for election to our Board of Directors are asked to fill out the form below. Please be advised that filling out this form does not guarantee that you will be selected. The current VANS Board Executive will review all nomination forms and recommend a slate of directors to stand for election by our members at our Annual General Meeting in June.
We encourage and welcome applications from everyone however, we are very interested in filling self-identification gaps on our Board of Directors. At this time, we have identified a need for increased representation from individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, Acadian, Immigrant, Queer, and living with a disability. We are also seeking self-taught artists, folk artists, artists living in rural communities, and individuals who have financial, board, policy, advocacy, legal, and/or fundraising experience.
Role and Commitment:
The Board is a key determinant in the health of VANS and its ability to effectively pursue its mission and serve its constituents. A well-functioning Board sets the ‘tone’ for the organization. While each Director brings considerable gifts to the work, it is the collective effectiveness, commitment and teamwork of the Board of Directors that determines success.
Board members:
- Carry out the objectives of VANS.
- Determine the priorities, policies and programs.
- Ensure responsible financial management.
- Establish committees as necessary for meeting strategic goals and objectives.
- Appoint a full-time Executive Director.
- Provide direction and supervision for the Executive Director.
- Attend all Board, General and special meetings (currently via Zoom).
- Participation on a working committee (ad hoc or standing).
Time Commitment:
- 6 – 7 meetings per year.
- 6 – 8 hours between meetings.
- Participation in one Committee.
Board member terms are a two year commitment. Directors, with the exception of the Past-President, may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms for a total commitment of four years maximum. See the current VANS Board of Directors here.
Deadline: May 16, 2022, 11:59pm AST