VANS Promotion Guide
At VANS, we love sharing events and news from Nova Scotian arts organizations, galleries, and our members on social media or in our biweekly newsletter. When it comes to asking for people, organizations, or media outlets to share your project or event, we find there’s a way to do it to maximize your chance of getting promoted.
We love it when organizations send the following for sharing:
- a short text blurb (just a couple of sentences) in the body of the email that we can copy and paste, or edit as needed for length. It’s great if it contains the event title, date, location, price and a brief description.
- a link to wherever we, and our members/followers, can find more info about the event, like a website, FB event/ social media post, ticketing link, etc., since we can’t always include all the info in a post.
- a jpg image that can be used for promotion that isn’t too text-heavy (those don’t do as well on social media). Note: if you are contacting us on social media then we don’t necessarily need a separate jpg, if you are sending us a link to a social media post that contains a pic.
- the image description for alt text (text readers).
VANS (and the media, in general) often likes things in this format because it means less work on our part tracking down or retyping a bunch of information to share. The hardest thing to share is a poster-style jpg or pdf with all the text info, images, and links in it because the formatting changes when copying it (or it can’t be copied at all with the jpg), and pdfs can’t be easily shared in our newsletter or social media. Have something to share? Tag us on Instagram, post it to the VANS Facebook group, or email info to communicate@visualarts.ns.ca.