VANS in Residence in New Glasgow
VANS, in partnership with The Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library and the Town of New Glasgow, will host a 3-week Artist Residency in New Glasgow. This program provides a stipend to support the artist to work full time for 3 weeks. 60% of the time will be dedicated to the artist’s own work (creation, research or both) and 40% of the time will be dedicated to community based work, including hands-on workshops, studio visits, talks and presentations.
Due to the current restrictions in place as a result of COVID-19, some of the outreach will need to be done by distance, either by packages sent out to families in the community, or by online workshops made available. The library is organizing some in person outdoor activities, and that should also be a part of a residency plan. The residency (August 10 – 30, 2020) includes one week of planning. A stipend of $2000 will be paid to the artist and a studio space is provided in the town of New Glasgow, as well as accommodations if the artist is from outside the New Glasgow area. See more on the PAINTS website. Deadline: July 20 at 5pm.