VANS in Residence in Bridgewater
Call for artists: VANS, in partnership with the DesBrisay Museum, will host a 4-week Artist Residency in Bridgewater, NS this winter. This program provides a stipend to support the artist to work full time for 4 weeks. 70% of the time will be dedicated to the artist’s own work (creation, research or both) and 30% of the time will be dedicated to community based work, including hands-on workshops, studio visits, talks and presentations. The residency also includes one week of planning. The residency must happen between February 17 – March 30, 2020. The artist will choose the dates. A stipend of $2500 will be paid to the artist and a studio space within the DesBrisay will be provided, as well as accommodations if the artist is from outside the Bridgewater area. The call for artists is now open; details on eligibility and how to apply can be found on the PAINTS website (paintsns.ca). Applications must be received on or before December 20, 2019.