VANS in Residence Deadline Extended
We’ve extended the deadline for artists to apply for each of the three residencies taking place this winter and spring. These residencies balance the artists’ own work with community engagement in three communities. Check it out!
Visual Arts Nova Scotia is thrilled to be facilitating artist residencies in three Nova Scotian communities as we enter our 40th year. We’re partnering with community organizations and businesses in Herring Cove, Musquodoboit Harbour and North End Halifax to create residencies. A terrific opportunity for NS artists and for the host communities. These five-week residencies will involve the artists in both their own work, and in workshops, talks and open studios with community members.
The call for artists is now open, details on eligibility and how to apply can be found here. The selected artist will enter into collaboration with the community, focusing on youth. Each residency will provide a chance for the artist to have a period of work with a focus on their own practice and engagement with youth and others in each of the three communities.
The program sees each artist dedicating 40 hours per week to the residency. 40% (16 hours) of the time will be dedicated to community based work, including hands-on workshops, studio visits, talks and presentations and 60% (24 hours) to the artist’s own work, be that creation, research or both. A stipend of $2500 will be paid to the artist and work space will be provided well, both for work with community and on their own.
Applications must be received via email at paints@paintsns.ca on or before our new deadline of Monday, January 23, 2017.
The residencies in North End Halifax and in Musquodoboit Harbour are supported by The Halifax Regional Municipality. The residency in Herring Cove is supported by Pavia Gallery, Arts Nova Scotia, Artsvest and the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Please contact PAINTS Coordinator Andrea Ritchie for more information at 902-423-4694 or by email at paints@paintsns.ca.