Take our Workshop Survey
Most years, VANS would offer a webinar series in the winter and an in-person workshop series in the spring and fall, but this year we are offering all our workshops online for the safety of our members. So we’re combining the usual winter and spring online workshops to offer a single Spring Workshop Series over Zoom in March and April. We would love to get your feedback about which professional development workshops we should offer and when.
Let us know what you would like to see VANS offer by completing the Spring 2021 Workshop Survey: https://forms.gle/MmmqUALepBzWHP9r6. Then we would really appreciate it if you’d share this survey with artists and groups in your network.
The survey takes less than three minutes to complete and helps us build programming based on the needs expressed by artists across the province. We want to offer the professional development workshops that will be beneficial to you. Please complete the survey by February 15.