Born in Manitoba and currently living on a farm in the Cobequid Mountains, Pamela Swainson studied in the Fine Arts Program at Mount Allison in the early 70’s. She recently returned to her practice after several years on hold. Swainson is passionate about local living and sustainability, with caring for the earth is a subtext in her work.
We use this survey to program workshops based on the needs and interests of artists in Nova Scotia. Please help us to develop workshops in your neighborhood by circulating this survey to artists in your area. Deadline to complete the survey – February 10, 2015.
Our Fall 2014 series offers workshops focused on Writing About Your Own Work, Curating, Writing Critically, Pricing Your Work, Financial Management and Taxes for Artists. Running October to November in Halifax and Annapolis Royal, the series features the expertise of instructors Carla Taunton, Stacey Cornelius, Carol Bruneau, Nora MacNee and Susan Haley.
The survey takes less than a minute to complete and helps us to build programming based on the needs expressed by artists and art organizations provincially. Deadline to complete the survey extended to August 18, 2014.
Bethany currently shares a studio at Wonder’neath Studio where she produces functional pottery as Bread and Butter Pottery; she an instructor at the George Dixon Centre and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia; and shares a collaborative practice with Ella Tetrault- together they facilitate the Fuller Terrace Lecture Series, a community-based project in Halifax’s North End.
As an interdisciplinary artist, Charley Young is interested in drawing, printmaking, and public installation. To date, her work includes large-scale monoprints of historic building facades, that document a site’s appearance prior to its destruction.
The workshop series is built from feedback from members and the public, if you missed your chance to take one of the Fall 2013 workshops, let us know what you would like to see offered in your area by completing our Spring 2014 Workshop Survey online now.
From my studio on the Shubenacadie River, I am a daily observer of the powerful Fundy tides, the change of the seasons and the cycles and rhythms of the land.
The Symposium on Art Writing will begin with a keynote lecture by Sylvie Fortin. Sessions will consist of a series of presentations by invited writers, editors, and curators, followed by a conversation between the presenters and symposium participants.
Visual Arts Nova Scotia is excited to launch its Spring 2011 Workshop Series. The workshop series runs between April and May and serves the professional development of visual artists across Nova Scotia. VANS’ workshop series discusses inter-relationships of topics across commercial and public sectors and in relation to the self-employed artists’ creative practice, including both Professional…