Subsidized Studio Program in Sydney!
Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s Subsidized Studio program is accepting applications from our members for subsidized studio space in downtown Sydney! Member artists can apply to rent space for 2 – 3 months from September 1, 2019 – November 31, 2019.There is no expectation of work to be completed during the studio rental. It is an opportunity for an artist who may be new to working in an independent studio or an artist who has a specific project to work on and could use support to fund a short-term studio space.
Located on the 3rd floor of the New Dawn Centre for Social Innovation, 37 Nepean Street, Sydney, NS, the studio is 7′ x 10′, with partial dividers. Unfortunately, the studio space is only accessible by stairs. The artist will have 24/7 access to the building with the use of a key fob for exterior doors, and their own key for the studio space. In addition to studio space, artists have access to a designated sink and space for cleanup, locker storage space outside of studio, as well as a shared lounge/kitchenette.
Eligibility: VANS member. Over 19 years of age. Not a VANS member? You can join online at the time of application.
Cost to you: $50/month + $20 key deposit (deposit will be returned at the end of the rental).
Deadline: August 12, 2019.
All applications will be reviewed by the VANS Programming Committee. Once the application has been approved, you will be asked to sign a contract outlining the policies and procedures of the studio and pay a deposit to ensure safe key return. If there are vacancies, we will continue to accept applications on an ongoing basis and review as needed.
Please complete the Application Form below: