Studio Sessions Webinar Series: Proposal Writing
VANS will be offering Studio Sessions 3-part webinar series again this winter – this time the topic is Writing Professional Proposals! Each of the hour-long webinars will be instructed by artist and gallery director Melanie Colosimo, who has taught our workshop on the same topic in VANS’ regular workshop series. The webinars will allow artists from across the country to learn best practices of writing proposals for applications – all from the comfort of their home or studio. Learn about crafting a project proposal, what people look for in artist statements, CVs and more. The live webinars will take place Wednesday, February 19 and 26 and March 4 from 6 – 7pm AST but all registered participants will also get a link to a recording of the webinar for future use. By the end of the series you can have the basis for a proposal that you can use the next time an opportunity deadline sneaks up on you.
Webinar 1: Getting organized (Wednesday, February 19, 6 – 7pm AST)
Many calls for submissions are looking for the same things but in an annoyingly different format. In this webinar we cover how keeping a well-organized personal archive of your support material and writing will help so that you’re not reinventing the wheel each time.
Webinar 2: Start writing (Wednesday, February 26, 6 – 7pm AST)
In this webinar we will discuss preparing your proposal and take a closer look at artist statements. We’ll look at exhibition proposal packages, grants and residencies and how to tailor your writing for each application.
Webinar 3: CVs, Budgets and Where to Apply (Wednesday, March 4, 6 – 7pm AST)
We’ll go over the long format and short format CVs and what is appropriate to include. We’ll take a quick look at budgets and wrap up with where you can find opportunities, and how to pick the right one for you!
Click on the tiles below to register online. Questions? Call VANS at 902-423-4694 or toll free at 866-225-8267 or email communicate@visualarts.ns.ca.
Webinars are only $18 each for VANS Members ($28 for Non-members) or you can bundle all three for just $45 ($75 for Non-Members). Webinar descriptions and registration here: https://visualarts.ns.ca/program/workshops-webinars/.