Antigonish-based painter Nancy Stevens exhibits a series of paintings examining the substance of colour. STILL LIFE SPECTRA is on view in the corridor gallery September 2 – 29.

Nancy Stevens, YELLOW, watercolour on paper, 10 ½” x 14 ½”., 2015

Describing the inspiration for the series, Stevens explains:

I was unable to get into my studio this past winter, frost having heaved the platform barring the door.  And then it snowed.  Living hermit-like in the middle of the woods I longed to escape the bullying winter and join Matisse on the Riviera. With my hands figuratively tied behind my back, I had to bring life and sunshine back into my life. My collection of summery tablecloths and coloured dishes suggested a return to the still life genre.  Working at the kitchen table I completed seven watercolour paintings, each one charged to explore the substance of a colour.

Stevens left a successful career exhibiting and selling realistic paintings to explore ideas and methods. That resulted in HORIZON PAINTINGS, a 1995 exhibition of abstract paintings at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, IN TRANSIT, an exploration of autobiography, at the Confederation Centre Art Gallery in 2001, and PATHWAYS at St. Frances Xavier University in 2010. In January 2014 THE LIRI VALLEY PAINTINGS opened at The Beaverbrook Art Gallery, an exhibition honouring the sacrifice and memory of Canadian soldiers who fought in the WWII Italian campaign. After a 15-year career of teaching art, Stevens lives and works in Antigonish County.

Located inside the Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) office at the Halifax Seaport, since 2000, the Corridor Gallery is complimented by a historical legacy of Nova Scotia culture, simple yet modern architectural elements and an array of current cultural activity in the Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia office. The Corridor Gallery is located at 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia and is open Monday through Friday, 9:30am-5pm.

For further information regarding the exhibition contact:

Becky Welter-Nolan
Programming Coordinator
Visual Arts Nova Scotia
1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4P7
902.423.4694 1.866.225.8267 f: 902.422.0881