In Office Resources:
Please find below a sample of the resource library publications available on loan to current VANS members. Books can be borrowed by members for a two week period. Exhibition catalogues, art magazines and other resources are also available for member loan.
Access information from the VANS Resource library by becoming a VANS member here. Contact the office for details on borrowing resources.
Online Resources:
business resources (40) |
marketing information (21) |
professional resource (79) |
submission material guidelines (13) |
emerging artist resources (28) |
website and social media resources (12) |
business resources
- 5 Pro Tips For Getting into a Gallery | Artwork Archive Sometimes, a little extra effort can make a big difference in capturing the attention and interest of your target gallery. Here are a few ways you can go above and beyond to give you an extra shot at success.
- A Guide To Artists Agents Agora Gallery explores the subject of an Artist Agent, touching on the reasons to have or not to have one, how to find an artist agent and select the one that’s right for you, and offer some tips on how to work with an artist agent.
- Art Collecting - Buying Advice for Collectors
- Artists are Entrepreneurs: Your Art is Your Business An article from the ARTWORK Archive blog on the steps you need to take to build and maintain your business.
- Atlantic Canada Opportunites Agency Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is a federal government agency. Headquartered in the Atlantic Region, ACOA's goal is to improve the economy of Atlantic Canadian communities through the successful development of business and job opportunities.
- Canadian Intellectual Property Office Detailed information on legislation regarding: copyright, contract negotiations and trademarks.
- Canadian Trade Commissioner Service Market reports and services abroad for Canadians in the arts and culture industry.
- CARFAC Copyright Collective Licenses and administers copyright for visual and media artists in Canada. Affiliates or members of CARCC assign their copyrights to CARCC for licensing and administration.
- CARFAC Minimum Fee Schedule Since 1968, CARFAC has issued its exhibition fee schedules. These schedules were developed from rates established by Jack Chambers and Tony Urquhart in 1968. They are updated yearly through negotiation and usage, and reflect increases in the cost of livin
- Certificate of Canadian Origin Original works of art made in Canada require a NAFTA Certificate of Origin issued by CARFAC.
- Craft Fairs and Art Shows 101: How to Effectively Sell Your Products In-Person — Ecommerce Marketing Blog - Ecommerce News, Online Store Tips a list of things you should think through before deciding on picking the right show or fair for you, how you should set-up when you get there, and how to be effective in generating enough sales to make it a successful event for you.
- Doering Editions - Fine Art Printmaking Services If you have wanted to create an edition of fine art prints but don’t know where to start or how to tackle the project, we can help.
- Five Key Steps to Approaching a Gallery Here are five important rules to remember when putting together an application for a gallery
- Guide for Shipping Art to the USA Selling or sending work outside of Canada is not without its hazards, particularly with unexpected brokerage fees. This introduces some important terminology and regulations that will help you get your artwork successfully across the border (and back!)
- Health and Dental Benefits for Artists Artists’ Network and PlanDirect have partnered together to provide artists with access to subsidized individual health and dental insurance.
- How Any Artist Can Price Their Art for Sale Everything Any Artist Needs to Know About Pricing Their Art
- How to make a living as an artist | Action Hero A blog from a working artist about working as an artist full time
- How to Succeed at Art Shows and Festivals For the last several years, about this same time, I’ve run a post asking for tips from artists who participate in art shows and festivals. I asked what advice they might give an artist who is just beginning to show their work.
- Marketing Masterclass Toolkits by Work in Culture
- Model Agreements/Contracts Artists are reminded to read all contracts carefully and ask questions about who is responsible for what and who will pay for what (invitations, opening receptions, mailing of announcements, framing costs, etc). In addition, artists are advised to check w
- Nova Scotia Artists' Legal Information Services ALIS is an up-and-coming organization based in Halifax that seeks to provide free legal information, workshops, and library resources to struggling artists.
- Photographing Two-Dimensional Artwork (1) A video tutorial that explains the basic concepts behind photographing artwork, so you can achieve a working setup whether you're using professional equipment or a simple point-and-shoot with household lighting.
- Professional Development Seminar (Shipping Tutorials) The Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG) has produced a series of audio slideshows on shipping artwork (packing, documenting, etc.), as well as other topics. See also
- Protecting and Preserving Your Art and Studio Authored by Conservator and Collections Manager Elizabeth Jablonski, Visual Arts Nova Scotia offers the following resource on preparing for and recovering from emergencies that may affect your studio and work as an artist.
- Public Speaking for Artists Preparing for your next artist talk? This article offers strategies and suggestions for speaking about your work in a gallery setting.
- Selling art online and reaching new markets: 5 tips for artists | Culture professionals network | Guardian Professional Don't confuse social networks with sales platforms and keep nurturing your links with the traditional offline art market
- Selling Artwork Outside Canada (Resource List) Links to government agencies and forms relevant to selling or sending work outside of Canada
- SOCIAL MEDIA FOR ARTISTS Get an overview of different social media marketing strategies, how to choose the right platform for your business, and growing your audience online from Artwork Archive.
- Sparkbox Studio Emerging Artist Guide The world of art can seem like a daunting place to navigate for even the most experienced of artists. To give you a jump start, the Sparks at Spark Box Studio have gathered and organized all kinds of valuable information that will help you organize and pr
- The Art of Export Marketing - Cultural Human Resources Council based on CHRC's Export Marketing Competency Chart, helps artists and cultural workers understand the skills they need to export their work to international markets; and guides them with a list of handy tools and websites for essential exporting informatio
- The Art of Managing Your Career Cultural Human Resources Council overview of managing an artist's career
- The Artists Raising Kids Compendium Artist U's report from the Artists Raising Kids project: 130 artist parents surveyed, 20 artist parents interviewed, and 50 artist parents convened for a workshop/conversation.
- The Importance of Artistic Consistency This free podcast explores the importance of artistic consistency when approaching or maintaining a relationship with a commercial gallery
- The Surprisingly Long List of Things That Can't Be Copyrighted Not all creative works can be copyrighted. This informative list and infographic from the blog Who Is Hosting This? relates to American copyright laws.
- Tips for the Care, Handling, and Storage of Cultural Objects, Including Art - Canadian Conservation Institute CCI Notes deal with topics of interest to those who care for cultural objects. Intended for a broad audience, the Notes offer practical advice about issues and questions related to the care, handling, and storage of cultural objects.
- TOP 5 TOOLKIT videos for working artists A new video toolkit series by neighborhood art TO, created for artists, youth and arts organizations.
- Visual Arts Income Tax Act Providing the most current information on income tax law as it pertains to Visual Artists.
- What to include in a call for artist listing The following are fields included for a listing’s publication and explanations for each. All are text based.
- What to say when you’re asked to work for free | Toronto Star If you own a small business or are self-employed, sooner or later you will be asked to work for free. The more successful you become, the more requests you’ll get. Here are some ways to respond to common requests:
- Work in Culture - E-Learning Each eLearning module is designed to enhance your business skills, with a focus on the specific needs of the cultural sector.
If we’re missing something here, please contact us and we’ll happily add a link.