funding - public (12) |
funding - private (14) |
Canadian residencies (21) |
international residencies (4) |
funding - public
- Arts Nova Scotia - Nova Scotia Art Bank The Nova Scotia Art Bank encourages the development of artistic excellence and stimulates awareness of and interest in visual arts and craft among Nova Scotians and their visitors. | |
- Canada Council Art Bank The Canada Council Art Bank makes contemporary Canadian art accessible to as wide an audience as possible through its art rental program. It rents art suitable for display in an office environment to public and private sector clients in Canada and abroad. | 1-800-263-5588 |
- Canada Council for the Arts The Canada Council for the Arts has approved a new program that changes the way grants are awarded to visual artists, while at the same time continuing its tradition of support for independent artistic research and creation. | 1-800-263-5588 |
- CARFAC Minimum Fee Schedule Since 1968, CARFAC has issued its exhibition fee schedules. These schedules were developed from rates established by Jack Chambers and Tony Urquhart in 1968. They are updated yearly through negotiation and usage, and reflect increases in the cost of livin | |
- Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | |
- Educating artists | Hill Strategies An analysis of the educational backgrounds of working artists and the labour market activities of arts program graduates in Canada | |
- Granting orgs in BC List from ArtsBC of places to find funding | |
- Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage The goal of the Grants to Individuals Program is to support the creation of new works by artists in all disciplines; to promote a broad understanding and appreciation of art and artists through enabling the professional development, research, travel, crea | (902) 424-4510 |
- Nova Scotia Talent Trust To provide financial assistance to Nova Scotians who demonstrate exceptional potential and commitment to become established artists in their chosen fields, who are not yet established in their chosen fields. | (902) 233-4304 |
- Preparing a Grant Application A funding grant application should demonstrate the artistic merit of your project. This guide, prepared by the Canada Council, provides tips to help you communicate your project effectively in a grant application. | |
- Sparkbox Studio Emerging Artist Guide The world of art can seem like a daunting place to navigate for even the most experienced of artists. To give you a jump start, the Sparks at Spark Box Studio have gathered and organized all kinds of valuable information that will help you organize and pr | |
- Status of the Artist Act An Act to Respect the Status of the Artist in Nova Scotia | |
If we’re missing something here, please contact us and we’ll happily add a link.