Register for our Spring Workshops!
This spring we are offering great workshops on topics including Grant Writing, Exhibition Prep & Installation, Photoshop Essentials, Writing Your Artist Statement & Bio, and Writing Professional Applications. These workshops, taught by professional artists, experts in their field, and educators are jam packed with information sure to inform your professional practice. They are only $40 each for VANS members and you can bundle two or three workshops and save!
There will also be a free panel discussion entitled: Sorting the Studio: dealing with a lifetime of work with attorney George Clarke and curator Ray Cronin on May 24 in Halifax and an info session on Comment préparer des demandes de financement avec Natalie Robichaud on May 5 in Pointe-de-l’Église.
These workshops will be presented in locations across the province including Lunenburg, Annapolis Royal and two locations in Halifax. You can register online today!