Peer Application Review Groups

Visual Arts Nova Scotia facilitates a peer review process for members to strengthen their upcoming applications. The Peer Application Review is a 6-week process, where participants are expected to send peers their application drafts and review two drafts received from their peers.

If you are writing a proposal or a grant and want a fresh perspective on your writing, it’s the perfect time to sign up for a Peer Application Review Group. Participants will be grouped based on the application they are writing and there are usually three artists in each group. Review exchanges will take place via email to facilitate an exchange between artists of different communities. Participants will be given two rough draft deadlines when they will send their current application draft to the members of their group and receive two of their peers’ applications in return. All group members will be expected to send edits back to their peers the following week.

**Visual Arts Nova Scotia staff members do not review applications and will not be enforcing peer review deadlines. We do not know who will be participating in the program until the deadline, so we are unable to predict the level of writing/editing experience of participants. Participants are responsible to their peers to review applications on time and with care.**

You don’t need to have started writing your grant/ proposal/ application before signing up for this program – you just need to know what you will be applying for (such as Arts NS’ Grants to Individuals or Canada Council’s Explore and Create). If you are not yet a member of Visual Arts Nova Scotia you can join online here.

Applications are now open to correspond with the next round of grant deadlines. Sign up by February 24 by emailing with answers to the following:

  1. Your name and email address
  2. What application are you writing that you would like review assistance with (ie. Arts Nova Scotia Grants to Individuals for Professional Development or Canada Council Explore and Create Grant)?
  3. What is the deadline?
  4. Is your application deadline approximately 6 weeks after the Peer Application Review Group sign-up deadline?
  5. Have you read the application guidelines (for whatever opportunity you are applying for) and confirmed your eligibility?
  6. What about this application is exciting for you? And why is it important for you to apply now?
  7. Please include a brief description of the project you will discuss in your application (max. 150 words).

If you have any questions contact the Programming Coordinator at