Students will study a dozen or so actual skulls from various animals and make some drawings based on these firsthand observations. We’ll compare the shapes and sizes of different features and discuss what that might mean for the creature. Note that all specimens have been collected in an ethical and humane manner.
Using dry media (graphite, charcoal and pastel on paper) we’ll make some small and large drawings that reflect our impressions of these strange yet familiar shapes. We’ll focus on tones of light and shadow, and incorporate some colour in our expressions. Drawing bones is a classic exercise in many Art School foundation programs.
About the artist - Peter Gamble
Peter is a visual artist based in Shad Bay, Nova Scotia since 2002. Originally from Toronto, he’s an alumnus of Queen’s University Life Sciences and Dalhousie University Architecture. Peter has been designing and building things, big and small, for decades and continues to draw great inspiration from the natural and built environment. He uses drawing, painting and sculpture as a communication tool for his architectural work as well as an outlet for personal exploration and expression. He is an accomplished woodworker, illustrator, plein-air painter and a juried member of Craft Nova Scotia.
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