A fun, accessible workshop that can be easily adjusted to suit students of all ages. Lots of room for individuality and freedom to play within a structure that sets participants up for success The project uses safe, affordable materials and all the creativity you want to bring to it!
Focusing on line and shape with a secondary focus on colour, Brilliant Birds will be created by exploring possibilities, brainstorming and designing our own unique style. Chalk drawing is done on a black background and then painted in with acrylic. Once dry, students will be shown how to use their chalk drawing as a resist technique creating bold black outlines as they wash the chalk away. This step by step drawing and painting workshop will be continued over the course of 3 days and will encourage students to make choices along the way, allowing for unique and individual results at the end.
Day 1: Prepare Black Canvas & Design Individual Brilliant Birds 90 minutes
Day 2 : Drawing Your Birds In White Chalk & Painting Our Brilliant Birds 90 minutes
Day 3: Wash Off Chalk, Touch Up Eyes and Add Highlights. Finish Off with an “Art Gallery” in Classroom to Share Your Work. Celebrate Each Other’s Unique, “Brilliant Bird” Paintings.
Materials list:
1 primed black canvas/cardboard/watercolour paper per student
acrylic paint
brushes (Medium and small)
water cans/containers
1 white chalk per student
paper towels or rags for washing off chalk
plastic table coverings
aprons or smock/student
blow dryers (to speed up drying process if desired)
About the artist - Colleen Gerrits
I am an artist and part time teacher who loves sharing the joy of creativity through art! I currently live in Greenwich with my husband, 3 children and one cat. I share my home studio with my art students of all ages, bringing to life a variety of artwork every week. I enjoy dabbling in wet felting, and encaustic painting but primarily continue to paint in acrylics incorporating mixed media with a rustic flare. My work can be seen in Apple Bin Gallery, The village coffee Shop in Canning, or my home studio upon request.
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