PAINTS Info Sessions for Artists
PAINTS Coordinator Andrea Ritchie is hosting a free info session at VANS after the Taxes for Artists workshop. You can come just for the info session, or sign up for the workshop too! Questions? Contact Andrea at 902 423-4694 or paints@paintsns.ca. If you are a teacher who is interested in scheduling a PAINTS info session at your school please contact Andrea to set it up.
PAINTS Info Session at VANS, 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax
Saturday, November 19, 1 – 1:30pm
The Professional Artists in the Schools (PAINTS) program brings together professional visual and fine crafts artists, educators and students. It provides support for schools throughout Nova Scotia to bring professional artists into their classrooms to work directly with students. Our roster includes artists from all over the province working in different media in and in different ways. We’re always looking for more artists who interested in spending some time working with children and youth. All artists who are members of VANS or NSDCC are eligible. There is no fee to apply or participate. The application is simple; fill out the online form and send us a copy of your artist resume. The PAINTS program is pretty straight forward. Projects range in scope from 3 hours to 12. We try to keep the logistics and paperwork that surround it to a minimum and keep the focus on the hands-on time working in classrooms with the students. While projects of course are made to work for students ranging in age and ability (the program is for grades Primary to 12), there should always be a connection back to the artists own work. Artists are paid a rate of $50/hour. And we also support some materials, and the artist’s mileage expenses. The next deadline for artists to apply is December 1st, 2016.