
2011-2012 VANS Mentorship Program, Application Deadline: July 15

Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) is excited to release the 5th call for applications for the VANS Mentorship Program. Since 2006, the VANS Mentorship Program has paired established artists with emerging artists (not necessarily young artists, but those at the beginning of their artistic careers) to take part in a ten-month long mentorship from September…

VANS Programming Coordinator

This is a 1-year, full-time contract position (with possibility of renewal) commencing June 7, 2011 with a annual salary of $22,000.  Applications must be received by Friday, May 20, 2011. Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) works for the advancement and rights of the visual arts and artists of Nova Scotia. VANS is a provincial artist-run…

This is Me, VANS Regional Exhibition

April 26, 2011 -For the first time since 2004, Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) members living in the Cumberland, Colchester and East Hants County (Region 6) will be exhibiting their work together at the McCarthy Hall Gallery, Nova Scotia Community College, 36 Arthur St., Truro, NS from May 6 – May 31, 2011. This is…

VANS in Residence with Halifax Public Libraries

For Immediate Release: VANS in Residence with Halifax Public Libraries Aprill 21, 2011 –  Professional Artists in the School (PAINTS) program artist Pat Loucks has just completed Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s (VANS) first ever half-time residency with Halifax Public Libraries at the Captain William Spry Library in April.  Over the last 4-weeks, Loucks has spent 20 hours…

2011 Annual General Meeting

Join VANS on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at Memory Lane Heritage Village in Lake Charlotte for the 2011 VANS AGM. Saturday’s activities will commence with the VANS Annual General Meeting at 1pm followed by a Tour of Memory Lane Heritage Village at 3pm. At 5pm, there will be an opening reception of the Eastern Shore…

The Hub Gallery – Spring 2011

Following the successful inaugural collaboration between the Hub and VANS in 2010, which culminated in an off-site exhibition space for VANS’ members, both VANS and the Hub are now excited to launch the first of two exhibitions in 2011. This spring 2011, VANS in the HUB (aka The Hub Gallery) will feature large-scale 2 dimensional…

Spring 2011 workshop series

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is excited to launch its Spring 2011 Workshop Series. The workshop series runs between April and May and serves the professional development of visual artists across Nova Scotia.  VANS’ workshop series discusses inter-relationships of topics across commercial and public sectors and in relation to the self-employed artists’ creative practice, including both Professional…

Activating Space – Ellen Moershel

Giving members of Visual Arts Nova Scotia an opportunity to create an exhibition of their work. Activating Space Ellen Moershel April 5 – 25, 2011 Ellen Moershel activates the Corridor Gallery at Visual Arts Nova Scotia from April 5 – 25, 2011. Moershels’ abstract work plays on the interactions and conversations caused by variation in…

New installation – Art in a Box

Showcasing the work of artists who reside in Nova Scotia. Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) is pleased to announce the new installation at Art in a Box.  The exhibit, which opened on March 18th, 2011, features work by VANS members, Ellen Moershel, Briana Corr Scott, Lio Lo, Kim Aerts and Jennifer Marlow. This installation captures a complimentary mixture of representational and…

Paris Salon – The Craig Gallery

Paris Salon featured VANS members from Dartmouth, Bedford, Sackville & the Fall River area. The VANS regional exhibition took place at the Craig Gallery in Dartmouth, NS from February 4th – 27th, 2011.

Paris Salon, VANS Regional Exhibition

Paris Salon Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) Regional Group Exhibition February 4-27, 2011 Opening Reception: Thursday, February 3, 7-9 pm Paris Salon is an exciting mid-winter event to be hosted at the Craig Gallery at Alderney Landing from February 4th to 27th. This unique art exhibition is fashioned after the original art exhibits of the…

Photos of China and Laos – James MacSwain

In the summer of 2010, exhibiting artist – James MacSwain – traveled to the south of China to Yunnan Province visiting the cities of Dali and Jinghong. From Jinghong, MacSwain traveled into Laos where he took a boat down the Mekong River to arrive at the Buddhist temple city of Luang Prabang. MacSwain explains that: this exhibition consists of photographs taken…

VANS supports the Artist Resale Right (ARR) proposed by CARFAC-RAAV

Alongside many arts organizations nationally, who advocate on behalf of the arts and artists, Visual Arts Nova Scotia is among them to endorse the inclusion of Artist Resale Right in changes to the Copyright Act through Bill C-32. With rigor, CARFAC, the national association of visual artists in Canada and their Quebec partner RAAV are…

Cracked Jug/Imperfect Life, Lorraine Endicott

November 8 – December 12, 2010 Lorraine Endicott Cracked Jug/Imperfect Life A cracked blue jug bought at the local flea market became a temporary obsession and a metaphor for exhibiting artist Lorraine Endicott about life. Endicott explains that “Life is not perfect. You work with what you are given and you may find beauty, anyhow”.…

The Hub Gallery – inaugural collaboration

Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) and the Hub were both pleased to announce their inaugural collaboration: The Hub Gallery in October 2010. The Hub Gallery’s premiere exhibition will take place from October 16th, 2010 to January 7th, 2011. This premiere exhibition features visual artists Qahtan Ibrahim, Judith Leidl, Justine Kerr, Barbara Carter, Andrea Pottyondy, Charlotte…

Traditional Wa(y)ves

Traditional Wa(y)ves was a group exhibition that featured artists Helen Verbanz, David Dahms, Peter Dyhkuis, Merydie Fjarlie, Allison Pinsent Baker, Sarah Burwash and Joanna Close, and was curated by Crystal Melville, Programming Coordinator at Visual Arts Nova Scotia. Traditional Wa(y)ves explores the contemporary morphing and weaving of the Nova Scotia landscape and its economy. Featured artists…

VANS in Residence

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is pleased to announce that VANS in Residence will take place September 20 – October 15, 2010 in the town of Yarmouth, NS. We’re excited to partner with The Yarmouth County Museum and Archives as the host organization for this pilot program.  The residency has been awarded to artist Katie Belcher.  She will…

Saturday Night/Sunday Morning: Wake Up to New Art, VANS Regional Exhibition

Saturday Night/Sunday Morning: Wake Up to New Art Visual Arts Nova Scotia Cape Breton Regional Exhibition Cape Breton University Art Gallery August 13 – October 3rd, 2010 August 18, 2010 – The Cape Breton Regional VANS exhibition titled Saturday Night/Sunday Morning: Wake Up to New Art features many of Cape Breton’s most well-known artists, including…