
Public Engagement in the Arts – CC Discussion Paper

The following is taken from the Canada Council’s website: Public engagement in the arts is a theme of the Canada Council’s 2011-16 Strategic Plan. On October 16, 2012, the Council released a discussion paper on the subject an overview of current thinking and practices. The paper is meant to open new avenues of investigation, raise…

Growing the Creative Economy – NS Legislation

The following is a press release issued by Film Nova Scotia/Economic and Rural Development and Tourism/Communities, Culture and Heritage on November 30, 2012: Nova Scotia’s creative businesses will expand into new markets, create more jobs, and build stronger cultural communities with legislation introduced today, Nov. 30. “Twenty-eight thousand Nova Scotians work in the arts and…

Status of the Artist Legislation for Nova Scotia

The following is published from the July edition of Culture News published by the Nova Scotia Department of Communities Culture and Heritage: In May, Nova Scotia’s Status of the Artist legislation was adopted, defining the term “professional artist” in Nova Scotia and recognizing the role and contribution of the artist, while asserting artist’s rights. Ron…

December 2012 Featured Artist – Barbara McLean

Barbara McLean is a graduate of Graphic Design (Sheridan College) and has a BFA with a major in fine art (NSCAD University). She teaches painting courses for the NSCAD University Extended Studies Division and conducts workshops for art associations throughout Nova Scotia. Her work has been purchased by the Nova Scotia Art Bank, GPI Atlantic,…

November 2012 Featured Artist – Terry Drahos

Terry Havlis Drahos Originally from Chicago, IL, Terry Havlis Drahos received her Bachelor of Design from Southern Illinois University. Following this, she relocated to Atlanta, GA.  In 2006, she completed her Bachelor of Education at Acadia and NSCAD Universities (Wolfville and Halifax, NS, respectively), specializing in Art and Technology. Drahos currently resides in Wolfville,…

Shimmers/Vibrations – Hugh Mater

corridor gallery Shimmers/Vibrations Hugh Mater November 9 – December 13, 2012 Emerging interdisciplinary artist Hugh Mater shows prints of faith in his exhibition Shimmers/Vibrations, on view in the Corridor Gallery from November 8  – December 13, 2012.  Mater describes the impetus of the work exhibited: The work explores how an individual reacts in the face…

Celebrations of Light – VANS South Shore Members Exhibition

Celebrations of Light South Shore Region Members of Visual Arts Nova Scotia Lunenburg Art Gallery November 10 – December 2, 2012 Opening: Saturday November 10, 2-4pm Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS), in conjunction with the Lunenburg Art Gallery, is pleased to announce an exhibition mounted by the artist members of Nova Scotia’s South Shore. Celebrations…

Protect Your Love: Fact and Fiction – D’Arcy Wilson

Protect Your Love D’Arcy Wilson Khyber Centre for the Arts November 6 – 23 Opening: Monday, November 5, 8pm Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) in collaboration with the Ecology Action Centre (EAC) and the Khyber Centre for the Arts are pleased to present D’Arcy Wilson’s exhibition Protect Your Love. The exhibition is the culmination of…

October 2012 Featured Artist – James MacSwain

James MacSwain, born in Nova Scotia, received a B.A. in English from Mount Allison University and studied theatre arts at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. In 1973 he settled in Halifax where he began a career in theatre and arts administration. Since 1980 he has been working in film and video, receiving Canada Council, Ontario…

Activate the VANS Artist Emergency Fund

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is kicking off its campaign to raise $1000 in 60 days to activate the Artist Emergency Fund. With the generous support of our members, artists and the public, we have raised $4000, but we must reach a goal of $5000 before the fund is active. In 2010, VANS established the Artist…

Announcing the 2012-13 VANS Mentorship Program Participants

  The Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) Mentorship Program pairs emerging artists with established artists to take part in a 10-month mentorship. The program is designed to support the individual artistic methods and professional ambitions of emerging artists in Nova Scotia by providing access to the skills and experience of selected mentors. VANS is delighted…

September 2012 Featured Artist – Adrian Fish

Adrian Fish is a Toronto born photo-based artist and educator currently living in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Adrian holds an MFA from York University, as well as undergraduate accreditation from OCAD University in Toronto and the Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Oakville, ON.  His work has been shown nationally at numerous public institutions,…

Fall 2012 Workshop Series

Registration now open for the Visual Arts Nova Scotia Fall 2012 Workshop Series Visual Arts Nova Scotia is excited to launch its Fall 2012 Workshop Series, running October to November with registration commencing on Tuesday, September 18th, 2012. Workshops in the Fall 2012 series include the ever popular Grant and Exhibition Proposals workshops in addition…

Looking at the window and not through – Jay Dort

Giving members of Visual Arts Nova Scotia an opportunity to create an exhibition of their work. Looking at the window and not through Jay Dort September 6 – 27 Emerging artist Jay Dort exhibits new ceramic paintings at the Corridor Gallery from September 6 – 27, 2012.  Describing the exhibition, Dort explains: This group of…

Online Crowdfunding

Recently cultural organizations such as Nocturne, the Centre for Art Tapes, Fuller Lectures etc. begin “Crowdfunding” Campaigns to fund raise in support of their artistic endeavors. Below is some information on popular online crowdfunding tools. Let us know what you think about online crowdfunding – is it a great new tool for small organizations to get something…

VANS Introduces Online Member Benefits

With the launch of VANS’ new website in June 2011 and the launch of the new public VANS Matters newsletter in May 2012, it is becoming increasingly apparent that VANS can create more efficient means for communicating with public audiences about VANS activities and our members about opportunities supporting artists, and the sectors advancement in…

VANS Welcomes the 2012-13 Board of Directors

The 2012 Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, June 2nd, was a wonderful day filled with many discussions on the advancement of the visual arts as reviewed in the 2012 Annual Report and through various networking and socializing opportunities made available to VANS members throughout the day. At the AGM,…

June 2012 Featured Artist

     Raina McDonald Originally from Victoria, B.C., Raina McDonald moved to Nova Scotia in 2003 to pursue her passion for art.  She graduated from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 2007 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, focusing on printmaking and drawing with a minor in Art History. Following graduation, McDonald participated in…

Call for Proposals: Halifax Seaport Nocturne Anchor Zone 2012

Open Call for Proposals The Port Curatorial Collective (PCC) Halifax Seaport Anchor Zone, Nocturne: Art at Night 2012 Submission deadline: July 16, 2012, 5pm Nocturne: Art at Night is an annual festival bringing art and energy to the streets of Halifax between 6:00 p.m. and midnight on Saturday, October 13, 2012. The completely free event,…

Subscribe for free to VANS Matters monthly newsletter

With a 36-year history, Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) programs, services, members and publications have positively impacted thousands of individuals in Nova Scotia, nationally and internationally. In order to ensure that VANS programs and services are recognized,  VANS has recently launched the first monthly VANS Matters newsletter this week. The free e-newsletter promises to inform any…