
Annual General Meeting 2015

Join the board, staff and artists on the South Shore for our 2015 Annual General Meeting. We will kick off the weekend with a cinq sept at the Lunenburg School of the Arts on Friday June 12. On Saturday June 13, we will move to the Mahone Bay Centre for full day of activities including Monoprints with the Mahone Bay Printmakers, a Members Lunch, and the AGM followed by an Open Engagement session.


Nominees will stand for election at our Annual General Meeting on June 12, 2015 in Mahone Bay. A Board Member believes wholeheartedly in the importance and value of Visual Arts Nova Scotia to the visual arts community and the representative should be able to endorse the mandate and objectives of our organization without reservation. If you are interested consider nominating a member or putting your name forward, and contact us for additional information.

Geoff Butler – May Featured Artist

Geoff Butler is an artist and writer in Granville Ferry, NS. His work is a mixture of realism and fantasy commenting on the human condition. Recently he has been an artist-in-residence with Fogo Island Arts in Newfoundland, and with the Labrador Institute & Grenfell Campus Art Gallery in North West River, Labrador. His recent work will be exhibited at the Annapolis Region Community Arts Council in August.

Susan MacDonald, "Rocky Shore", 11"x14", watercolour, 2015.

Susan MacDonald – April Artist Profile

Susan MacDonald is an artist and art educator with over 25 years of experience. As a VANS PAINTS artist she has been working with school children in Cape Breton for the past several years. She is currently exploring the medium of watercolours and enjoys the intensity and subtlety of colour that the medium offers.

Sign up for Spring 2015 Workshops

This season’s professional development workshops for artists feature topics such as Making Time to Make Art, Exhibition Installation and Shipping, How to Properly Document Your Work, Pricing Your Work, and developing Portfolios for Commercial Galleries. Running April to May in Halifax, Annapolis Royal, and Truro, the series features the expertise of instructors Stacey Cornelius, David Dahms, Sarah Maloney, and Christopher Webb. Sign up online today.

Lynn Rotin, "Downtown", mixed media on paper, 30" x 24", 2014

Lynn Rotin – March Artist Profile

Lynn Rotin started her career as a photographer for choreographers and independent theater in Toronto. After moving to Halifax in 1989 she decided to enroll at NSCAD has been a practising artist since. She has received grants from the Canada Council, and her work is collected by the Nova Scotia Art Bank. Her drawings and paintings on paper use mixed media, building on layers of mark making.

Image: unseen paradise N0.1, photograph by Jean-René Leblanc

Jean-René Leblanc artist talk at McCarthy Hall, NSCC Truro

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is delighted to present an artist talk by visiting artist Jean-René Leblanc of Calgary, AB, in collaboration with Viewpoint Gallery and the NSCC Truro’s 14th annual Animediafest. Taking place Friday, March 6th, from 3:30-5:00pm at the NSCC Truro’s McCarthy Hall, this free artist talk is offered as part of Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s En Route Artist Talk Series.

Upcoming Peer Review Groups

Get fresh perspective on your next application. Visual Arts Nova Scotia is facilitating an eight week peer-review process to help members strengthen their upcoming proposals. Deadline to sign up for a group is March 9.

Pamela Swainson – February Artist Profile

Born in Manitoba and currently living on a farm in the Cobequid Mountains, Pamela Swainson studied in the Fine Arts Program at Mount Allison in the early 70’s. She recently returned to her practice after several years on hold. Swainson is passionate about local living and sustainability, with caring for the earth is a subtext in her work.

Membership Renewal Season

Get a head start on 2015 by renewing your Visual Arts Nova Scotia Membership. Make it your new year’s resolution to become a PAINTS Artist, apply to the Mentorship Program, or update your E-Studio Directory. Get feedback on your next artist residency or grant application in the Virtual VANS Newsletter with a Peer Review Group or Workshop.

Jack Wong, "David Copperfield (Illustration 12 of 400)", Graphite on paper, 20” x 24”, 2014

Jack Wong – January Featured Artist

Emerging artist and active volunteer Jack Wong works in drawing and participatory performance. Currently he is researching and writing on the topics of allegory, postmodernism, and video art, and on non-display in contemporary practice. His artwork is a means to test out ideas and opinions critical of the sociopolitcal landscape.


Located inside the Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) office at the Halifax Seaport, since 2000, the Corridor Gallery is complimented by a historical legacy of Nova Scotia culture, simple yet modern architectural elements and an array of current cultural activity in the Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia office.