New online PAINTS workshops!

We’re thrilled to have a dozen talented artists from our PAINTS roster step up and adapt their workshops to be delivered in an online format. Check out the full list of online workshops on the PAINTS website.

It’s a different year in so many ways. We want to keep art and artists connecting with students in Nova Scotian schools. We’re starting by offering 12 workshops through online platforms.  We can’t be physically in the schools, but we can bridge that gap through art and technology. PAINTS has professional visual artists ready to lead students in engaging art making experiences. Workshops are offered in painting, drawing, comic book, stitching, braiding, collage… so many great opportunities!

There are workshops for all grade levels, and they range from 2 – 12 hours. All schools teaching students in grade Primary through 12 in NS are eligible. Do you know a school that would like to have an online art workshop? Let them know that the first deadline to submit a request is Monday, November 16 and every two weeks after that.  Projects will be approved within 48 hours of the deadline. This is all new, so we’ll be adjusting and adapting as we go forward. Questions? Contact Andrea Ritchie at 902-423-4694 or

The image above is from Laura Mitrow’s Public Art & Installation Project workshop.