Neon Signs – Craig Budovitch
Giving members of Visual Arts Nova Scotia an opportunity to create an exhibition of their work.

Neon Signs
Craig Budovitch
September 5 – 27, 2013
Emerging artist and former NSCAD Lunenburg Studio Resident Craig Budovitch presents a series of paintings depicting a relationship to place from the contrasting perspectives of locals and tourists. Describing the comparison underlying the works on view, Budovitch explains:
In my current series of paintings, I project an amalgamation of iconography from seasonally touristic destinations and places I have lived. Neon signs function in my work as landmarks for a community while also representing a historic relic or tourist attraction. I use a fragmented shadow aesthetic to evoke time lapses, mimicking not only the stationary nature of a sign through day and night but also the viewers who come into contact with them. My paintings are reactions to the geographical pride of regions and objects adorned by visitors and natives. The color selection, paint handling, and crisp, fragmented planes in my paintings play a crucial role in portraying the spirit of these environments, offering glimpses of “home” and “vacation”
Born in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Craig Budovitch is a painter, muralist, and community developer based out of the Maritimes. Having graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Art from Halifax’s NSCAD University in 2012, Budovitch has already taken part in two artist residencies. Budovitch was most recently one of three artists in residence living In Lunenburg, N.S. where he devoted his time to developing his independent and public art practices. Additionally Budovitch was chosen by NSCAD University to travel to South Africa in 2012 as a visiting artist, where he took part in a four month residency, designed to create a Fine Art program in a public high school. While abroad and in Lunenburg, Budovitch’s exposure to world culture, and his energetic approach to creating has lead to his latest body of work. Budovitch’s future plans include traveling to South Korea this Fall to work with youth, taking part in an international mural painting project and researching for his next show. Budovitch is represented by Ingrid Muller Gallery + Concepts in Fredericton New Brunswick. See more of his work online at
Located inside the Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) office at the Halifax Seaport, since 2000, the Corridor Gallery is complimented by a historical legacy of Nova Scotia culture, simple yet modern architectural elements and an array of current cultural activity in the Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia office. The Corridor Gallery is located at 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia and is open Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm.
For further information regarding the Corridor Gallery or this exhibition, please contact:
Becky Welter-Nolan
Programming Coordinator
Visual Arts Nova Scotia
1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4P7
902.423.4694 1.866.225.8267 f: 902.422.0881