“Mythos” by Michael Greer
Painter Michael Greer’s show of new, richly layered figurative oil paintings, entitled Mythos, explores personal and social themes through metaphor, narrative or implied narrative, along with a good dose of ambiguity. Don’t miss Mythos in the Corridor Gallery by appointment until September 30. Not able to visit the exhibition in person? Watch a video of the virtual tour on YouTube: https://youtu.be/tK6kW6qpyuM.

Of his inspiration, Greer states:
My paintings and drawings primarily consist of figure compositions, often a lone figure, that explore personal and social themes through metaphor, narrative or implied narrative, and mythology, along with a good dose of ambiguity. Painting for me is seldom an end in itself but a means to express more serious thoughts and feelings. My use of the figure allows me a greater degree of specificity in addressing themes which are basic and timeless: human relationships and our relationship with nature and spirit. I focus on relationships in my work because that’s all we have. If we don’t have relationships with ourselves, with each other, with nature and with spirit, we have very little.
My paintings and drawings are a layering of marks that remain faithful to the photographic source material and marks that seem ‘accidental’. The history of the application of the medium – the textures that results from the addition and subtraction of paint or charcoal that are put down in layers and are sometimes partially or wholly covered over- is evident in the final work. This type of mark making reveals both the process used and the time it took to make the work. The figures inhabit that temporal environment. The images come about through this lengthy creative process in which I am always also aware of art historical antecedents – artists that inspire me.
The viewer, for their part, becomes a witness to the narrative or implied narrative and to the layers that are built up over time. The dramatic and technical narratives in the painting are carriers of emotion – mine. Even if my paintings are representational, I prefer to convey emotion over description. If my work resonates emotionally with the viewer even for a little while, much like we feel after watching a good movie, then I have achieved something.
In this world of fast paced images and overstimulation I believe that painting, perhaps more than ever, can provide meaning and significance and allow for moments of quiet contemplation, deeper questioning and wonder. Art can help us elucidate why we are here, where we have been and where we might be going. Painting still offers us an incomparable and honest insight into what it is to be human and our place in the world.
Michael was raised in Italy, Spain, and Belgium, before returning to Canada to study. He studied fine arts at the University of Guelph, OCAD University, and the Academie des Beaux-Arts de Watermael-Boitsfort in Brussels, Belgium, before completing his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at NSCAD University. Following art school he made films/videos for several years before returning to painting and drawing. He currently lives, and maintains a studio practice, in Dartmouth.

Located inside the Visual Arts Nova Scotia office at the Halifax Seaport since 2000, the Corridor Gallery is complimented by a historical legacy of Nova Scotia culture, simple yet modern architectural elements and an array of current cultural activity in the Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia office. The Corridor Gallery is located at 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, a city situated on unceded Mi’kmaq territory.
Due to COVID-19 the VANS office will be open to the public by appointment during September. All visitors to the office must wear a mask, practice distancing, and sanitize hands upon arrival. In consideration of the size of the office and the Corridor Gallery, one visitor is permitted at a time.
Visual Arts Nova Scotia advances the visual arts through leadership, education, and communication.
High resolution image for press available via Dropbox. See more of Michael Greer’s work on his website michaelgreer.com or his Instagram @michaelgreer_art.
For further information regarding the exhibition please contact:
Carri MacKay
Programming Coordinator
902.423.4694 | 1.866.225.8267
communicate@visualarts.ns.ca | www.visualarts.ns.ca