Meeting Waters: Cross-Cultural Collaborations on Environmental Racism
We are very excited to announce Meeting Waters: Cross-Cultural Collaborations on Environmental Racism with Ingrid Waldron as part of Nocturne 2020: Echolocation curated by Lindsay Dobbin! The event will take place Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 7pm over Zoom. This collaborative anchor project and subsequent panel discussion is co-presented with Visual Arts News as part of our Nocturne + VANS panel discussion series!
This online event will center Black and Indigenous solidarity through cross-cultural exchanges on environmental racism in Mi’kma’ki and will bring together speakers and performers to share stories and experiences of environmental racism through storytelling, dance, spoken word, song, and graphic art. Collaborators will describe their experience and present their original creation in the form of a Zoom event followed by a panel discussion presented with the support of Arts Nova Scotia. We are also grateful to work with Bria Miller who created the poster and portraits of each of the project participants.
Featuring collaborations:
Africville – Irvine Carvery and Rebecca Thomas
Pictou Landing First Nation – Michelle Francis-Denny and Kwento
Sipekne’katik – Dorene Bernard and Liliona Quarmyne
Shelburne – Vanessa Hartley and Leelee Oluwatoyosi Eko Davis
Supported by Lindsay Dobbin and I’thandi Munro.
REGISTER TODAY: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_03IMj4UgS6qo611hjo_kew. After you register you will be sent a link to the event.
This free event is presented with additional support from Kairos, The Leap, and PSAC, The Black Environmental Initiative, Sierra Club, Nova Scotia Environmental Network, Environmental Defence Canada, Shake Up the Establishment, Ecology Action Center and Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.