Getting it Together! A new workshop series.

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is pleased to announce a new workshop series –  Getting it Together: Taxes and Financial Literacy for Creatives!

This new three-part workshop series starting in March is designed to help artists get more comfortable, organized, and empowered when it comes to their finances and taxes. Led by Sally Wolchyn-Raab, Co-Director of Eyelevel Artist-run Centre, Getting it Together has two online workshops jam-packed with great info and a final do-our-taxes-together in-person workshop. Workshop #1 is Tax basics for artists, Workshop #2 is Financial management for creative freelancers, and the in-person Workshop #3 is a Tax filing working group!

The workshops in this series are only $40 each for VANS members ($50 for non-members) or you can bundle all three for just $100 ($130 for Non-members). For more info and to register, visit the Workshops page of the VANS website: