Fall Workshops from VANS!
VANS has announced our Fall 2019 Professional Development Workshop Series! This season we have workshops in Truro, Port Williams, Lunenburg, Sydney and Halifax on some of your most requested topics. New this year is Community Connection and Collaboration (addressing how to be engaged in the local community through art workshops, volunteering, open studios, and how collaborating can be an important part of your practice) and Artist Residencies (covering different kinds of residencies, the pros and cons of getting paid for vs paying for a residency, and how to find the ones that are appropriate to your practice). We are also offering some favourites like Writing Professional Proposals, Taxes for Artists, Grant Writing, Marketing for Artists, and Pricing Your Work. Register online today, over the phone by calling 866-225- 8267, by cheque, or by debit, cash or credit in the office.