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VANS Members can contact creative consultants directly.


Stacey Cornelius

I hold a BFA from NSCAD University and diplomas in information technology and graphic arts. My professional background includes retail, theatre, marketing, web design, and copywriting. I’ve taught marketing, branding, social media, and technology tools workshops for arts organizations including VANS, the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador, and ArtsLink NB.

I use my skills and experience as a writer, website designer, jewelry designer and maker, and business owner to help motivated, creative, introverted people claim their space in the online marketplace.

Website Critique Plus – I’ll assess your website and give you a written report on what makes your site effective for your customers and what needs adjusting, with concrete suggestions on how to make your own changes. Done-for-you website services are also available.

Personalized Marketing Plans – I’ll work with you on your marketing goals to help you create a marketing strategy, and recommend the best tools and techniques to achieve solid short- and long-term goals. You’ll get a written plan that works for your budget, work schedule, and communication style. Mentoring and instruction are also available if you need a technology training boost.

Take Your Business Online – Get help setting up your online shop: advice and recommendations on what platforms and tools that are easiest for you to use, or a done-for-you initial setup with mentoring so you can update and maintain your shop yourself.

Category Service Hourly Rate
Business Marketing $65/hr (personalized project quotes will be provided)
Design Website critiques $65/hr (personalized project quotes will be provided)