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Christopher Webb

Christopher Webb is not only a professional visual artist, he is also a creative, passionate and successful entrepreneur. Christopher, along with his partner Victoria Foulger, is co-owner and creator of PAVIA Gallery ~ Espresso Bar & Cafe. He is also the host of 'The Visual Arts Abstract' on Global TV Maritimes - a biweekly segment dedicated to the promotion of the visual arts in our region.
Christopher has exhibited works across Canada, the United States and parts of Europe. In 2016 he was featured as one of 29 visual artists as part of 'Terroir' an exhibition representing the state of contemporary art at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. He has sat on many art-based boards and panels including the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, the Acquisitions Committee of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, President of Visual Arts Nova Scotia and grant selection juries for, what is now, ARTS Nova Scotia. Over the years, he has delivered lectures and seminars to more than 500 groups and organizations across North America. Locally, some of these groups have included NSCAD, Dalhousie, MSVU, SMU, and Visual Arts Nova Scotia. Topics for these presentations have included: The Business of Art, The Role of Commercial Galleries, Creativity in Business and more.

For more on Christopher Webb please visit:

- The 'Business of Art': Entrepreneurship for the Visual Arts (including marketing, branding, setting up studio spaces, creating a sole-proprietor business, taxes, etc.)
- Website Creation: Getting your work online and on-brand
- Navigating Commercial Galleries: The do's and don'ts of approaching and developing relationships with commercial galleries in North America
- Creating and Writing a professional Arts Resume and Artist Statement

Category Service Hourly Rate
Design Graphic Design, Web Development up to $75/hour (inc. HST)
Business Contracts, Brand Identity, Networking, Sales up to $75/hour (inc. HST)
Financial Management Helping artists to set up their "Business" which includes marketing, branding, setting up studio spaces, creating a sole-proprietor business, taxes, etc up to $75/hour (inc. HST)