
Give the joy of receiving a gift 6 times over the next 2 years!

LIMITED OFFER, SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE BIG UNTIL DECEMBER 15TH, 2011 December 1st, 2011 – In perfect tandem with new year to do lists and reflections of 2011, the spring 2012 issue of Visual Arts News will be distributed in January 2012 and features reviews, responses, reflections of and re-considerations on our states of being, among…

Visual Arts Nova Scotia hosts talk about Creative Occupations

November 10, 2011 – To close Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s (VANS) Fall 2011 workshop series, VANS invites you to a free, public talk with Max Haiven titled Creative Occupations: Art, Creative Labour, and the Occupy Movement on Tuesday, November 29th at 7pm at the Culture Federations of Nova Scotia in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The free…

VANS “CANVAS” works now on the market

        It can take a substantial amount of trust to turn over artwork you’ve just completed to somebody else who can, for example, take the piece in a completely different direction, if that seems warranted. But that’s just part of the collaboration process, which involves setting aside some of the traditional ideas surrounding…

2010-11 VANS Mentorship program on retreat

July 29, 2011 – From July 8 – 10, 2011, the 2010-11 VANS Mentorship Program participants and VANS personnel went to Windhorse Farms in New Germany, NS for a program retreat-intensive. Windhorse Farms is a unique community providing group accommodation, workshop facilities, meditation instruction, recreational activity, all in an effort to encourage reflective work in…

Visual Arts Nova Scotia proudly launches a freshly designed website

On Saturday, June 4th, at the Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) Annual General Meeting in Lake Charlotte, NS, the organization launched a fresh and modern design to their website – Now, two weeks later, and on the first day of Summer, VANS proudly announces it publically. VANS’ new website – created by Dean Gallant…

The Chosen Ones, Pat Sollows

Giving members of Visual Arts Nova Scotia an opportunity to create an exhibition of their work. The Chosen Ones Pat Sollows June 2 – 29, 2011 Pat Sollows’ paintings encircle the Corridor Gallery at Visual Arts Nova Scotia from June 2 – 29, 2011.  With regards to her oil painting practice, Sollows’ states that My…

VANS in Residence with Halifax Public Libraries

For Immediate Release: VANS in Residence with Halifax Public Libraries Aprill 21, 2011 –  Professional Artists in the School (PAINTS) program artist Pat Loucks has just completed Visual Arts Nova Scotia’s (VANS) first ever half-time residency with Halifax Public Libraries at the Captain William Spry Library in April.  Over the last 4-weeks, Loucks has spent 20 hours…

2011 Annual General Meeting

Join VANS on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at Memory Lane Heritage Village in Lake Charlotte for the 2011 VANS AGM. Saturday’s activities will commence with the VANS Annual General Meeting at 1pm followed by a Tour of Memory Lane Heritage Village at 3pm. At 5pm, there will be an opening reception of the Eastern Shore…

Spring 2011 workshop series

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is excited to launch its Spring 2011 Workshop Series. The workshop series runs between April and May and serves the professional development of visual artists across Nova Scotia.  VANS’ workshop series discusses inter-relationships of topics across commercial and public sectors and in relation to the self-employed artists’ creative practice, including both Professional…

VANS supports the Artist Resale Right (ARR) proposed by CARFAC-RAAV

Alongside many arts organizations nationally, who advocate on behalf of the arts and artists, Visual Arts Nova Scotia is among them to endorse the inclusion of Artist Resale Right in changes to the Copyright Act through Bill C-32. With rigor, CARFAC, the national association of visual artists in Canada and their Quebec partner RAAV are…

VANS in Residence

Visual Arts Nova Scotia is pleased to announce that VANS in Residence will take place September 20 – October 15, 2010 in the town of Yarmouth, NS. We’re excited to partner with The Yarmouth County Museum and Archives as the host organization for this pilot program.  The residency has been awarded to artist Katie Belcher.  She will…

Collaboration on Marginal Road

On October 18, 2009, as part of Nocturne, members of the public were invited to play a collective word game inspired by the parlour game Exquisite Corpse, originally played by Surrealists in the 1900s. In our version, each player added a sentence to an ongoing story without having knowledge of what has already been written.…

2009 VANS Awards

On Friday October 17, 2009 , artists and art supporters gathered to acknowledge the recipients of the 2nd Annual VANS Awards at the Nocturne Launch Party. Awards categories include Emerging Artist, Outstanding Year, Art Educator and the 2009 VANS Honour Roll. VANS would like to acknowledge the support of Nocturne, Propeller Brewery and Bruce Jollimore Photography. Outstanding Year Award: Yo Rodeo This…

LARGEsmall Experiments in Scale, VANS Regional Exhibition

LARGEsmall Experiments in Scale Visual Arts Nova Scotia Annapolis East Regional Exhibition May 22 – July 4th, 2009 Opening: May 22, 7pm Acadia University Art Gallery Wolfville, NS Discrepancy of size is a form of distortion, and all forms of distortion shock us into attention.  —Steven Millhauser, “The Fascination of the Miniature” May 20, 2009…