Call for Pitches
Calling for pitches for the summer issue of Visual Arts News. For Summer 2021, we’re putting together an issue that looks at solitude—the quality or state of being alone or remote from society—through the lens of art and artistic practices in Mi’kma’ki, and how as a community of artists we continue to grow and move forward through creation in the context of isolation. It might be the solitude we sometimes undertake for rest or for fallow periods—or that we face during the pandemic. How does solitude distinguish itself from loneliness? What is the dance between solitude and loneliness? How does remoteness and seclusion play a role in the critical work and ideas coming from this place?
Some ideas/words that come to mind that stem from “solitude”: privacy; outsiders; restoration/recuperation; landscape/geography; isolation; power and growth; loners and the myth of the artist as the solitary genius.
Pitch deadline: March 15, 2021
Draft deadline: April 16, 2021
Release date: June 21, 2021
Pitches should be submitted by email to