We are seeking to fill at least 2 vacancies on our Board of Directors. One of those members must reside outside of Halifax Regional Municipality. The Board of Directors must be made up of a minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of eleven (11) members. To ensure province-wide representation, we will designate one-third of the board from outside the HRM. We strive to be a diverse group of artists through cultural diversity, geographic distribution, gender, ability and skills of our members.

In 2014, we passed amendments to our by-laws to create a smaller, more focused Board selected based on a variety of skills, will meet more regularly in order to maintain an active role. Engagement, including pan-provincial activities, will be approached through more active committees that are open to members.

With a more effective governance structure, the Board of Directors is better able to oversee the larger purpose of the organization, the mandate, and support Visual Arts Nova Scotia in its continued relevance. We are confident that the proposed shift will allow us to represent the interests of artists in our province.

The changes formalize the separation of the Board and its governance responsibilities from the organizational activities. At a Board level, we discuss the larger vision of the organization, oversee the fulfillment of our mandate, and complete the tasks of organizational governance.

Nominees will stand for election at our Annual General Meeting on June 12, 2015 in Mahone Bay. A Board Member believes wholeheartedly in the importance and value of Visual Arts Nova Scotia to the visual arts community and the representative should be able to endorse the mandate and objectives of our organization without reservation. If you are interested in nominating a member or putting your name forward and would like additional information, please contact Pamela Swainson, President at or Briony Carros, Executive Director at

Deadline for nominations: June 1, 2015

Please send a brief letter of interest and a CV to:
Visual Arts Nova Scotia
Attention: Nominating committee
1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4P7
Fax: 902-422-0881