Arts NS and CNSLC host a conversation about COVID-19
Arts Nova Scotia and the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council (CNSLC) will be engaging members of the arts and culture sector in conversation about challenges, priorities, and opportunities as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is an opportunity for you to provide them with information about how the pandemic has affected you and discuss ideas for how they can shape recovery and build back better.
You are invited to attend a session for the visual arts and craft sector on Thursday, April 1, 2 – 3:30pm. To register for this session, please click here.
The call will be conducted using the ZOOM platform and there is a maximum capacity of 25 attendees for each session (first come first serve basis). Once registered you will receive an email with information to connect to the meeting. If you have any questions, please email them to Chelsea Prime at Chelsea.prime@novascotia.ca. If you can’t attend, feel free to send your comments and suggestions to Benny Welter-Nolan, Executive Director at director@visualarts.ns.ca