Maureen Ashley Fownes

Artist Statement

My artistic practice is informed by my choice in materials and my desire to cultivate a sense of play in my work and childlike wonder. In recent years, my own mental health has played a significant role in my art, leading me to lean further into curiosity and play. The tactile element of “making” distracts my brain and allows me to be present while I encourage my brain to let loose, let go of judgement and to simply create. I am inspired by nature, animals and my home province of Nova Scotia.


Maureen Ashley Fownes graduated from NSCAD (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design - University) in 2011 with a Bachelor in Fine Arts (BFA), Interdisciplinary with a Minor in Art History. Her work has been featured in galleries, restaurants and workspaces across Nova Scotia. She recently opened an art studio with her husband, Joy & Fury Art.