Kiera Sitzer

Artist Statement

As an artist I believe in discovery and gratuity. I’m drawn to patterns, dirty paint clothes, relief carving, tufting, human faces, ink stains, figures in movement, colour. I spend extra time painting people and moments of time that I’m terrified to someday forget. I like art that challenges me and challenges the viewer. Bold subjects. Emotional labour for regulation. Currently in transition to a new body of work that fits the artist I am now. I’m unable to streamline at the moment, come back later. Cohesion is impractical. Indulgence in creation!


Kiera Sitzer is an artist, writer and baker in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. She finished her BFA from Queen’s University in 2019 and struggled to remain connected to her art practice since then. She finds strength and value in community building by working with art organizations like Wonder’neath Art Society and Chester Art Centre. Kiera first connected with VANS through their New Grad Program in 2021. Her paintings have been exhibited by the Federation of Canadian Artists and Nuit Rose Festival of Queer Art. Becoming flexible with her process and materials has brought joy back to her artmaking – a joy she endeavours to share and advocate for within her community.