Artist Statement

I create to share my awe and joy, while searching to understand the mysteries of existence. I experience the Divine in nature and love to explore unexplained dimensions, while celebrating the interconnectedness of all life. I draw inspiration from dreams, Nature and my own life experiences. A deep involvement in community advocacy and spirituality enriches my creative work. I am especially interested in my work as a form of healing for myself, others, and the Earth and hope that it inspires engagement in imagination, creativity and social justice, while bringing comfort and hope to those who are suffering.


Anne Camozzi creates art and writes in Nova Scotia, Canada. An early passion for the arts led her to an Honours Bachelor of Fine Arts from York University (Toronto, Canada) in 1976. While studying painting, she was one of two writing apprentices selected to work with Canadian author, W.O. Mitchell. In 2003, illness forced Anne to slow her fast-paced lifestyle and on the advice of her physiotherapist, she began drawing as a distraction from pain. Picking up a paint brush for the first time in over 25 years, she soon regained the passion for art she had as a young woman. Her art has been commissioned by Feed Nova Scotia, the Peoples’ Place Library, NS Easter Seals, QEII Hospital Foundation, QEII Hospital Pain Management Unit, Aids Coalition NS and the North American Highland Dancing Championships, among others. She has done numerous private commissions, including art for offices of professionals with healing practices, and for individuals with cancer or in palliative care. Her art is in private collections in Canada, Europe, India, and the United States, and in public collections in Nova Scotia. Over 1500 copies of her 2016 book “Galaxies-Serenity Within” of art and writing were distributed to about twelve countries, many donated to healing spaces. Anne is available for illustrations, logos and commissions. She identifies as an artist with disabilities and use a wheelchair for mobility.