VANS calls for board members
We’re seeking 4 – 6 creative individuals engaged with the arts in Nova Scotia to stand for election to our Board of Directors and support our new Strategic Plan. Help us build a future where a career as an artist is accessible, sustainable, and recognized as an integral part of our communities across Nova Scotia.
We encourage and welcome applications from everyone, however, we are very interested in filling experiential gaps on our Board of Directors. At this time, we have identified a need for individuals who have policy, and/or fundraising experience, and we are also prioritizing increased representation from individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of the Global Majority, Disabled, self-taught, and folk artists. VANS Board members are based throughout the province and 30% of whom will be designated from outside Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM).
We are seeking new Board Members who wholeheartedly believe in the importance and value of VANS to the community and care passionately about our mission, vision, and values:
Visual Arts Nova Scotia (VANS) supports artists through education, connection, and advocacy. We operate across Mi’kma’ki, the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the L’nu people, also known as Nova Scotia. We prioritize artist-to-artist learning through workshops, mentorship, and sharing information about meaningful opportunities. Visual Arts Nova Scotia advocates for artists by listening to their concerns, speaking up for their needs, and creating platforms to share their work. Recognizing that equity-seeking artists face additional barriers to a career in the arts, Visual Arts Nova Scotia works to make resources accessible to artists across the province, while prioritizing support for those who are impacted by systemic oppression.
Visual Arts Nova Scotia believes in a future where a career as an artist is accessible, sustainable, and recognized as an integral part of our communities.
Equity: Prioritize diverse perspectives and work to dismantle oppressive systems and barriers that exclude equity-seeking artists. Use an intersectional approach to prioritize and uplift underrepresented communities in the visual arts.
Sustainability: Work proactively, responsively, and transparently, while respectfully acknowledging the limitations of our resources, to build a sustainable future for artists. Approach challenges with both optimism and pragmatism, prioritizing consistent effort over urgency.
Connection: Create opportunities for artists to connect with and support each other. Lead with generosity while facilitating opportunities for artists to pursue their careers. Champion artists’ unique contributions to society, offering perspectives to connect us with each other and the world around us.
At this time, VANS is prioritizing contributions from individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, Acadian, Immigrant, Queer, and/or Deaf or living with a disability. We are also prioritizing artists living in rural communities, and individuals who have financial, board, policy, advocacy, legal, and/or fundraising experience.
Role and Commitment:
The Board is a key determinant in the health of VANS and its ability to effectively pursue its mission and serve its constituents. A well-functioning Board sets the ‘tone’ for the organization. While each Director brings considerable gifts to the work, it is the collective effectiveness, commitment, and teamwork of the Board of Directors that determines success.
Board members:
- Carry out the objectives of VANS.
- Determine the priorities, policies and programs.
- Ensure responsible financial management.
- Establish committees as necessary for meeting strategic goals and objectives.
- Appoint a full-time Executive Director.
- Provide direction and supervision for the Executive Director.
- Attend all Board, General and special meetings (currently via Zoom).
- Participate on one working committee (ad hoc or standing).
Time Commitment:
- 6 – 7 meetings per year.
- 6 – 8 hours between meetings on Board and committee tasks.
Board member terms are a two year commitment. Directors, with the exception of the Past- President, may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms for a total commitment of four years max.
To increase access to Board participation, VANS provides volunteer board and committee members reimbursements of meal allowances and childcare costs to encourage participation in virtual meetings as outlined in our Expense Claim Policy.
Apply using our BOARD NOMINATION FORM: https://forms.gle/FmdUW1gC1gM2xyLj9. Deadline: May 15, 2024. 11:59pm AST.