Oooh, spring workshops!
Announcing VANS’ Spring Workshop Series! The workshops in this series will be offered online over Zoom (but we will return to offering some in-person workshops in the fall). Registered participants will get a limited-time link to a recording of the session afterward so if you can’t make it to the workshop on the day, you’ll still get all the info and resources. We’re offering workshops on the topics you requested (in our workshop survey) including Artist Residencies, How to Give A Great Artist Talk, and Online Marketing for Artists, as well as two new workshops: a Creative Wellness workshop on Reframing Stress, and a Contracts & Copyright Basics workshop. All our instructors are artists so they bring that perspective to their workshops, making them more relevant to your professional practice.
Workshops online (2 hours) are $40 for VANS members and $50 for non-members. You can bundle three workshops (using the discount code 3 Workshop Bundle at checkout) and save! Please register today online securely using a credit card or PayPal: https://visualarts.ns.ca/shop-category/workshops/. You can also send an e-transfer to communicate@visualarts.ns.ca – just make sure to send a separate email with your contact info and the workshops you want to register for.