visual arts news

Call for pitches

It’s time to pitch for the upcoming spring issue of Visual Arts News!

For Spring 2022, we’re putting together an issue that looks at connection—an issue that looks at connection through the lens of art and artistic practices in Mi’kma’ki. How do we connect through the arts? What is the process by which artists create relationship, and foster interrelatedness and possible links. Connection may be a form of kinship, a sharing of origins, or the characteristics of family or chosen family relations. It may also be expressed through the concept of relationality. How do kinship systems work within artists in Mi’kma’ki and beyond? What does connection look like in the arts? How do we care for our artists and foster interconnectedness amongst one another?

Pitch deadline: October 15, 2021

Draft deadline: November 30, 2021

Release date: March 21, 2022

Pitches should be submitted by email to